I’m always on the look out for different ways to approach setting an intention for the new year. Last week I came across Julia Rothman’s annual More/Less list.
It reminds me of a new year’s resolution poem by Stowe Boyd that I found a couple of years ago. At the time I copied out the statements that resonated with me and pinned the postcard above my desk.
It was still there until I replaced it recently with my own list for 2019:
More | Less |
Journaling Conversation Patience Action Finishing Making Focus Fresh air | Planning Consumption Fear Noise Starting Miscommunication Distraction Screen time |
Keeping this list in sight, either stuck to the wall or as a bookmark for my journal, serves as a daily reminder of this intention. It acts a prompt to ask myself if I have acted on this intention today.
What is your intention for the new year? What do you want to do more and less of? And how committed are you on a scale of 1-5 of making them happen?
Featured image by Miguel Orós on Unsplash